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Emote is used for communication through an action. There are numerous
actions that will also allow you to do accomplish the same basic concept.

The general command syntax is in the format (note that emote can be 
replaced with the character :):

> emote [target] [target] 

There are serveral ways to emote an action, some samples are as follows.

> emote dances merrily around the room.
Others in the room see:
 dances merrily around the room.

> : dances merrily around the room.
Others in the room see:
 dances merrily around the room.

Targets can include a character and/or an item.

Character target substitutions:

~n = Target's name/short description for room & you(r) for target
~l = Target's name/longer description for room & you(r) for target
~s = Target's his/her/it for room & your for target
~m = Target's him/her/it for room & you for target

Item target substitions:

~p = Target item's name/short description

> :klorandor sword aggressively points ~p at ~n and says, 'You'll take it
over my dead body.'

The room might (depending on what the sword is and if they know Jotigorf or 
Klorandor) see:

Jotigorf aggressively points a long sword at Klorandor and says, 'You'll
take it over my dead body.'

Klorandor might see:

Jotigorf aggressively points a long sword at you and says, 'You'll take
it over my dead body.'

See also:
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